If you take off on a two engine airplane with no engine failure and are below VMCA, will you have directional control?

If you take off on a two engine airplane with no engine failure and are below VMCA, will you have directional control?

Yes, some directional control as we still have two functioning engines.

If you climb to FL300 at a constant IAS of 250kts, what would happen to the TAS?

If you climb to FL300 at a constant IAS of 250kts, what would happen to the TAS?

TAS will increase.

What are the benefits of a free turbine?

What are the benefits of a free turbine?

A free turbine is a turbine that is not directly connected to the compressor. This allows the compressor to rotate at a different speed than the turbine. Since the turbine speed is coupled with the propeller, this allows for the propeller to be maintained at a constant ideal speed.

Another advantage is that free turbine engines can be designed to be more compact than their single shaft counterparts

What do the abbreviations TSRA and MIFG mean?

What do the abbreviations TSRA and MIFG mean?

TSRA: Thunderstorm with rain

  • MIFG: Shallow fog

What are the components that make up a fuel plan for a minimum-fuel trip?

What are the components that make up a fuel plan for a minimum-fuel trip?

Taxi, trip, contingency, reserve and extra fuel.

While climbing with a SEP, in what temperature range can carb icing occur?

While climbing with a SEP, in what temperature range can carb icing occur?

Carb icing can occur with temperatures as high 30°C and humidity as low as 50%, but it is more likely when below 20°C and high humidity, especially during low power settings.

What is the average temperature at 25,000ft according to ISA?

What is the average temperature at 25,000ft according to ISA?


What will happen if the primer of your engine/fuel system kept operating?

What will happen if the primer of your engine/fuel system kept operating?

A variable pitch propeller provides an optimum angle of attack for the propeller blades for a longer range which reduces fuel usage, fixed pitch propellers only have a certain rpm.

You are at the end of the runway with the static ports blocked. What will be the reading on the altimeter after departure?

You are at the end of the runway with the static ports blocked. What will be the reading on the altimeter after departure?

The elevation at which the airplane departed from the runway.

If turboprops are more efficient aircraft, why do they not climb that high?

If turboprops are more efficient aircraft, why do they not climb that high?

Jet engines are designed to achieve their best specific fuel consumption at high rpm, which can only be achieved at high altitudes where the air density is low.

Thrust produced will be low enough to equal the required cruising thrust. Also high altitude gives the best operating conditions for the airframe i.e. minimum drag during the cruise.

Turboprops need relatively dense air for the propellers to work efficiently and at high altitude the density would be too low.

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